



Will humans live on other planets someday?
Cost, Dangers, Situation on Earth, Technology

Colonizing other worlds once seemed like science fiction. However, scientific advances and increased threats to humankind’s survival are making it a near certainty.
First, tremendous progress has been made in developing the necessary technology. Innovations like reusable rockets will facilitate the transport of the people and materials necessary to support colonies on other planets. Scientific advances are also reducing costs, making colonization more practical.
Second, the combined threat of global warming, nuclear war, and disease outbreaks has the potential to wipe out humanity. As the fragility of human existence on Earth becomes clear, the will to devote resources to colonizing other planets is growing. Now, there is so much momentum behind it that the movement is certain to succeed.
Colonizing other planets is not without obstacles. However, technological development will allow humans to colonize other worlds in order to lessen threats to human survival.


Some people say that the number of cars in cities should be limited. Do you agree with this idea?

Convenience, Public safety,  The environment

I agree that the number of cars in cities should be limited, and I have two reasons for feeling this way. First, if there were fewer cars, city streets would be safer. Crossing the street would be far less dangerous for people on foot or on bicycles.
Second, fewer cars would also be better for the environment. Cars produce a lot of harmful gases, and limiting them might encourage people to use public transportation like trains or buses. This would make the air cleaner.
Therefore, I think that the number of cars in cities should be limited.


What is the best way for students to spend time after school?

I think students should do their homework after school.  Nowadays,
teachers give lots of homework.  If students do not spend time doing their homework after school, they cannot finish it.  Also, homework helps them learn new things. These things are important for their future.  That is why I think doing homework is the best way to spend time after school.



Which city do you want to visit?

I want to visit Sapporo because I want to go to the famous snow festival in winter. Also, there are many delicious foods to enjoy in Sapporo. For example, sushi and crab.
